?Luke Jerram

艺术装置作品“Palm Temple”是意大利Sky Arts委托设计的艺术装置作品,曾于2020年1-2月在伦敦刘易斯库比特广场(Lewis Cubitt Square)展出。这件精美的装置艺术作品现已被艺术家卢克·耶拉姆(Luke Jerram)捐赠给了布里斯托尔大学,作为布里斯托尔大学化学系永久装置供公众参观。

视频来源:Luke Jerram


?Luke Jerram

此艺术装置作品是为了思考自然而设计的,在穹顶的顶端悬挂着一个灭绝钟,每天随机敲响150-200次,表明每24小时世界范围内消失的物种数量。这一物种损失的估计是根据2007年联合国环境项目得出的。灭绝钟的钟声唤起了人们对生物多样性丧失问题的关注,发出了我们看不见的可听见的事件,这些事件在世界各地的多个栖息地同时发生。 《灭绝钟》艺术品最近在BBC Radio4节目《Front Row》中亮相。

?Luke Jerram

艺术装置作品“Palm Temple”是由雪松木制成,并带有分色面板的彩色玻璃。地板是镜面的,反映了上方的圆顶。从内部看,效果非常壮观。 

?Luke Jerram

艺术装置作品“Palm Temple”连接着天空、云彩和地面,它会随着天气模式和时间的变化而变化。-晚上艺术装置作品内部照明。

?Luke Jerram

Luke Jerram说:“此装置表达我对神圣建筑的兴趣,我希望公众喜欢探索这个新展馆。艺术装置作品“Palm Temple”参照了佛罗伦萨大教堂的彩色玻璃窗和钟塔,它既是一个实验性的光学亭,也是为公众设计的沉思空间,思考人类对自然的影响。”

视频来源:Luke Jerram

?Luke Jerram
The Palm Temple is an artwork commissioned by Sky Arts in Italy for presentation in Lewis Cubitt Square, London Jan-Feb 2020. The artwork is now on permanent display for the public to enjoy outside at the Chemistry Department at the University of Bristol. 
About the Palm Temple 
In September 2019, Luke Jerram was approached by the production company 3D Produzioni in Milan about making an artwork to celebrate the 600th anniversary of Brunelleschi’s dome of Florence Cathedral (Duomo di Firenze). The creation of the artwork was filmed the Sky Arts as part of a 90minute television programme.
Luke developed several concepts but the final artwork commissioned is based on a spiralling lamella dome structure. This dome is cut in half and the two halves placed in parallel, like two palms of each hand coming together in prayer.
While Florence Cathedral is a temple for contemplating God, this new artwork is designed for contemplating nature. Suspended in the apex of the dome will be an Extinction Bell, which tolls once, 150-200 times a day, at random intervals, indicating the number of species lost worldwide every 24 hours. This estimate of species loss is according to a 2007 UN Environmental Programme. The Extinction Bell raises awareness of the issue of biodiversity loss, makes audible events which are invisible to us, and which are occurring simultaneously across the world in multiple habitats. The Extinction Bell artwork has recently featured on the BBC Radio4 programme Front Row.

?Luke Jerram

?Luke Jerram

?Luke Jerram

?Luke Jerram

?Luke Jerram

?Luke Jerram

?Luke Jerram

?Luke Jerram

?Luke Jerram

?Luke Jerram

?Luke Jerram

?Luke Jerram

?Luke Jerram

?Luke Jerram

?Luke Jerram

?Luke Jerram

?Luke Jerram

?Luke Jerram

?Luke Jerram

非常感谢 Luke Jerram予国际美陈俱乐部分享以上内容。设计及图文版权:?归Luke Jerram所有,未经允许禁止以国际美陈俱乐部编辑版本进行任何形式转载及抄袭。禁止商业及个人非法使用,如有抄袭将依法追究法律责任。

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