?Sofia Enriquez

索非亚·恩里克斯(Sofia Enriquez)是来自南加州的视觉艺术家,一直对时尚和艺术都很感兴趣,她在科切拉音乐艺术节上的装置艺术作品“Mismo”,轻松地将两者融合在了一起。

视频来源:Sofia Enriquez

在装置艺术作品“Mismo”中,索非亚·恩里克斯(Sofia Enriquez)采用了佩斯利图案(那种你可能只在领带或沙发上看到的漩涡状、低垂的图案)然后将它们放大成三维雕塑,再放大成壁画。此装置艺术作品高14-18英尺,呈圆形排列。其中一个作品位于印第奥帝国马球俱乐部圆形区域中心的一个基座上。

?Sofia Enriquez


?Sofia Enriquez

索菲亚·恩里克兹(Sofia Enriquez)的绘画和壁画上有她的签名,莫迪扬尼(modigliani)风格的女性面孔漂浮在色彩缤纷的装置上,上面有佩斯利(paisley)图案和文字,表达了一种促进女权主义和种族平等的微妙信息。这位以大教堂城市为基地的艺术家还将她独特的肖像——手机、美元符号、眼睛、瓶子、嘴唇、文字和短语——画在一套名为Mucho的衣服上。

?Sofia Enriquez

Locally-based artist and fashion designer Sofia Enriquez goes three-dimensional with a garden of six massive paisleys — one of the motifs in the graphic vocabulary she uses on her canvases and murals, as well as her line of upcycled clothing that she sells under the label Mucho. “Everybody wears paisleys: guys, girls, young people and old people, and people of different cultures,” Enriquez says. “It can be found on a cotton bandana worn by someone doing manual labor to someone wearing a business suit with a silk tie. It’s a symbol that makes the equality in people stand out,” which is a theme that runs through all of the artist’s work. The paisleys, which are constructed with wood and range in height from fourteen to eighteen feet, read like double-sided paintings and are painted in bright, bold colors to contrast with the desert’s muted and pastel tones. The sculpture in the center of the garden has a platform with large steps where festival goers can meet and relax — and possibly glimpse models wearing Mucho clothing.
Sofia Enriquez’s paintings and murals, with her signature, Modigliani-esque female faces floating in colorful fields with paisleys and text, assert a subtle message that promotes feminism and racial equality. The Cathedral City-based artist also paints her distinctive iconography — cell phones, dollar signs, eyes, bottles, lips, words, and phrases — onto a line of upcycled clothing under the name Mucho.

?Sofia Enriquez?Sofia Enriquez

?Sofia Enriquez

?Sofia Enriquez

?Sofia Enriquez

?Sofia Enriquez

?Sofia Enriquez

?Sofia Enriquez

?Sofia Enriquez

?Sofia Enriquez

?Sofia Enriquez

非常感谢 Sofia Enriquez予国际美陈俱乐部分享以上内容。设计及图文版权:?归Sofia Enriquez所有,未经允许禁止以国际美陈俱乐部编辑版本进行任何形式转载及抄袭。禁止商业及个人非法使用,如有抄袭将依法追究法律责任。

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