风靡全球的大黄鸭之父霍夫曼(Florentijn Hofman)又出新作品啦!此作品名为“Bospolder Fox”是一只叼着粉红色塑料袋的狐狸,伫立在荷兰鹿特丹西部的Bospolder区,它是一个永久装置。



霍夫曼(Florentijn Hofman)认为,狐狸是夜行性动物 ,不适合放在干净的小公园中展示,就应该放在城市阴暗的缝隙中潜行。街道及周边建筑的色调都偏暗淡,衬托得这只狐狸的更加鲜艳抢眼。



Bospolder Fox与一旁的道路和建筑平行,霍夫曼表示,如此一来,孩子可以安心地在狐狸的爪间玩耍,学习与不同的物种、族群和平共处。 

Residents of Rotterdam’s Bospolder-Tussendijken frequently spot bushy-tailed foxes roaming their streets at night, but now, Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman has given the carnivorous animal a permanent home in the area. He recently installed a massive “Bospolder Fox” that peers over a busy intersection in the neighborhood. Spanning 16 meters, the fox holds a pink bag in its mouth, a gesture that anthropomorphizes the wild animal, as Hofman asks, “Has the Bospolder Fox stolen something? Is he clearing up litter? Or has he just returned from a shopping spree on the market?”
While the sculptural installation juxtaposes the natural world and urban landscapes, it also serves as a reminder to residents to be welcoming, although many “have developed a certain fondness for the feral intruders,” the artist said in a statement.
The fox is an interloper, a colorful and gracious nocturnal animal that imparts a romantic twist to this story; and romanticism is a longing familiar to newcomers in the city. The inhabitants of Rotterdam come mostly from elsewhere, and they, like the fox, seek a better life in the city. Rotterdam must, therefore, keep its gates open to nature, to newcomers, and to new perspectives.
Similar to the artist’s previous projects, “Bospolder Fox” was designed to allow children to play in between its paws and serve as a sort of shelter. The animal’s vibrant fur stands out against the gray concrete underneath and nondescript building nearby, further magnifying the disparate qualities of the organic and human-made. “The nocturnal creature on velvet paws does not belong in a neat little park but sneaks through the shadowy crevices of the city,” Hofman said.



更多信息可查看studio Florentijn Hofman官网:www.florentijnhofman.nl

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